I'm Gladys. I’m 22 years old. I'm from Indonesia. My birthday is September 29,
1994. My family name is Sinambela and I have one sister. I was born in
Tangerang, and when I was 4 I moved to Jakarta until now.
graduated from Vocational High School in June of 2012. My favorite color are
blue, pink, purple and white. My favorite book is The Bible. My favorite food
is fried rice – and all of Indonesian food I like! My favorite fruits are avocado, dragon fruit and pineapples.
My favorite candies are Cadbury, Kit Kat and Dove chocolate. My favorite fast
food: Kebab, Pizza, and Fried Potato. My favorite drink is water. My hair is
naturally very curly like Taylor Swift on her album "Fearless", Jess Glynne and Mahogany Lox (YouTuber).
love listening to the music, reading magazines and novels. I love going to the
beach and mountains, because I love traveling! I love movie nights with my
sister, and Horror is my favorite movie. I am a dog lover and I love puppies!
Favorite Quotes:
love life and I feel very blessed.
harder I work, the luckier I get.
Be The Windows To Reflect God's Love..
motto is: Work Hard, Play Hard and Be Kind